
Probably Science: Episode 534 – Bobcat Goldthwait, Rhys Darby, Dr. Farah Alibay and Natalia Reagan

Jun 21, 2024Matt and Andy host a live installment of the podcast from To 29 and Beyond in Twentynine Palms featuring guests Bobcat Goldthwait, Rhys Darby,...

palaeontologist who solved a problem that vexed Darwin

Elisabeth Vrba’s meticulous studies of fossil and living mammals challenged the conventional view of evolution. Instead of a...

Building bridges in physics | ScienceDaily

Researchers at Osaka University show that Cartan's First Structure Equation, which relates to edge and screw dislocations in crystal...

Dropping the Mask

Have you ever downplayed some aspect of your identity? Maybe you don’t hide it, but you don’t bring it...

Are Insect Guts the Secret to the Most Delicious Kimchi?

This side dish of spicy, bubbly, funky pickled vegetables is such a staple in Korea that no meal is...